The workplace is a fascinating place for anyone wholoves language. There’s something about the officeenvironment that seems to encourage the inventive use of language. For betteror worse, the English language is often toyed with in the office space,creating whole new words and phrases that you’ll seldomhear outside of an office environment。
Here are some of the most common words, phrases andidioms that you’ll come across if you’re working in an English-speaking office today。
This is an Americanism that has crossed over intoBritish English too. Most offices these days have a water cooler, and thisphrase has come to mean anything that people talk about when they happen tomeet at the water cooler. This tends to refer to gossip or trivial things likediscussing what happened in the soap opera that was on last night。
Closeof play下班臨近
Often shortened to COP in emails and text messages,and also as end of play or EOP, this simply means by the end of the workingday. Why do bosses ask if they can have this work done by close of play ratherthan just asking if they can have it done today? Perhaps they are trying tomake work sound more fun, as close of play is a sporting term, particularlyused when it comes to cricket, where it means when the game ends for the day。
在郵件和短信里通常會被縮寫為COP,也同樣可以寫作EOP,endof play,它的意思僅僅是下班前。為什么老板會問他們是否能在下班前把這個工作做完而不是問今天他們能不能把它做完?也許他們在嘗試讓工作聽起來更有趣,結(jié)束是當(dāng)做一個體育術(shù)語,特別是用于板球的結(jié)尾,在這里它的意思是一天板球運動的結(jié)尾。
In the days before office-speak took over, peoplewould simply say that they were going on holiday. But that doesn’t sound quite corporate, serious and professional enough. So you’ll often find people referring to their summer holiday as their ‘period of annual leave,’ for example, intheir out-of-office auto reply email。
More and more of our work documents are created andshared online without the need for printing, which is better for theenvironment as well as saving us time and effort. But sometimes real, physicaldocuments are required. When someone wants a physical print out of a documentrather than an electronic copy, they will ask for a hard copy。
Thinkoutside the box打開思維
No one knows what the box is, or what’s inside it, but bosses seem to like it when workers are outside it.If someone at your work asks you to think outside the box it means they don’t want you to limit your thinking. They want creativity, and ideas,and thinking outside the mainstream. This term is used to try and encourage newideas and a fresh approach to problems。
Brainstorming is another way to encourage workers tothink outside the box. It’s a technique by which agroup discussion is held to produce ideas. Ideas are spontaneously bouncedaround the group, often as a way of trying to solve a problem. Brainstormingactually goes back a long way, all the way back to 1939 when it was firstdevised by advertising executive Alex F. Osborn. He began developing methodsfor creative problem solving, as he was frustrated by employees’ inability todevelop creative ideas individually for ad campaigns. In response, he beganhosting group-thinking sessions and discovered a significant improvement in thequality and quantity of ideas produced by employees。
This is a pun on the term disc jockey, and the chancesare you’re being a desk jockey right now. Instead ofspinning lots of records, you might be on your laptop checking emails, readingthis article, while you’re eating a pasta salad or drinkinga coffee from your work’s canteen. Ringing phones,beeping pagers, overflowing inboxes – they’re all the tools of the desk jockey。
This stands for Unique Selling Point or Unique SellingProposition. It’s used a lot in the marketing sectorand was introduced as office-speak way back in the 1940s. It refers to thosesuccessful products that have unique, specific attractions to consumers – so much so that they were willing to switch to it from their brandof choice。
Closing a Deal 達(dá)成協(xié)議
(In a typical office somewhere in New York)
Bob: Well, is Trevisos going to play ball or are we going to strike out on this deal?
Pete: The latest locker talk is that our game plan is a real contender for the contract.
play ball:baseball-play a game, idiom-do business with
play ball在棒球中表示打一場比賽的意思,短語的意思就是和……做生意
strike out:baseball-go out, idiom-fail
strike out在棒球中表示三振出局,也就意味著失敗了
locker talk:general sports-talk among the players, idiom-gossip, rumors
locker是鎖東西的柜子,locker room指的就是更衣間,在通常運動中,locker talk表示運動員之間的談話,更衣室內(nèi)的談話,于是也就有了流言、傳言、小道消息的意思。gossip這個詞相信看過《緋聞女孩》的朋友都很熟悉。
game plan:American football-plan which plays to make, idiom-plan of action
game plan在美式足球也就是橄欖球術(shù)語中表示球隊比賽的策略,短語的意思是行動計劃、行動方案。
Bob: Yeah, the other team has two strikes against it after they fumbled last week.
Pete: They had a great chance of scoring but I think Trevisos thought they werent up to scratch on some of the details.
two strikes against it:baseball-one step from going out or loosing, idiom-close to not succeeding
fumble:American football-lose possession of the ball, idiom-make a serious mistake
score:any sport-to make a point, idiom-to succeed
not up to scratch:horseracing-not capable of winning, idiom-not having the right qualities
Bob: They pretty much put themselves into a no-win situation by stalling for time on the figures from Smiths and Co. If we can get to home at the next meeting I think that we should be able to take the ball and run.
Pete: If our numbers are right, we should be able to call the shots from here.
鮑勃:他們從Smiths and Co.拿數(shù)字的時候太拖拉了,把自己逼到山窮水盡的地步。要是咱們能在下次開會的時候干的漂亮點,我覺得我們應(yīng)該可以繼續(xù)往前走了。
no-win situation:baseball-impossible to win, idiom-impossible to succeed
stall for time:American football-to delay the game, idiom-to delay information or a decision
get to home:baseball-score a run, idiom-complete the desired action
take the ball and run:American football-continue to go forward, usually a long distance, idiom-continue in the right direction
call the shots:basketball-to decide who shoots, idiom-to make the decisions
Bob: We just need to jockey ourselves into position to close the deal.
Pete: Make sure that you take along your team players next week. I want to be sure that everyone is playing with a full deck and that everyone can field any question asked.
jockey ourselves into position:horseracing-put yourself into a good position to win the race, idiom-to move into position to succeed
team players:general sports-players who work together with other players, idiom-people who work together with other staff
play with a full deck:cards-having all the necessary cards, idiom-having the correct mental abilities, not stupid
field:baseball-to stop a hit ball, idiom-to handle or deal with
Bob:Ill take Shirley and Harry along. They are no second stringers, they can present the ballpark figures and then I will bring it on home.
Pete: Great, good luck with the pitch!
second stringers:team sports-second class members of the team, idiom-less important workers
the ballpark:baseball-the place where the game is played idiom-general financial numbers
在棒球中,the ballpark表示比賽進行的地方,也就是棒球場的意思,短語的意思就是財政數(shù)據(jù)
bring it on home:baseball-to score a run, idiom-to finish with success
pitch:baseball-to throw the ball to the batter, idiom-to present the subject
One of the biggest problems is speed. Native speakers, especially business people, tend to speak very quickly on the telephone. Here are some practical tips to get native speakers of English to slow down!
* Immediately ask the person to speak slowly.
* 直接請這個人慢點說。
* When taking note of a name or important information, repeat each piece of information as the person speaks.
* 記錄一個名字或者重要信息的時候,打電話的人說一句你就重復(fù)一句。
This is an especially effective tool. By repeating each important piece of information or each number or letter as the spell or give you a telephone number you automatically slow the speaker down.
* Do not say you have understood if you have not. Ask the person to repeat until you have understood.
* 如果沒聽懂就別說你懂了。讓這個人重復(fù)一下直到你懂了。
Remember that the other person needs to make himself/herself understood and it is in his/her interest to make sure that you have understood. If you ask a person to explain more than twice they will usually slow down.
* If the person does not slow down begin speaking your own language!
* 如果這個人還不放慢語速你就開始說你的母語。(這招狠!)
A sentence or two of another language spoken quickly will remind the person that they are fortunate because THEY do not need to speak a different language to communicate. Used carefully, this exercise in humbling the other speaker can be very effective. Just be sure to use it with colleagues and not with a boss :-)!
May I have an appointment with you?
Will you be available this afternoon?
Could we arrange the meeting on Tuesday afternoon?
I wonder if it would be convenient for you to meet us this afternoon?
Could you squeeze me in sometime this morning?
Could you arrange a meeting with your boss?
Will XXX be available on Monday?
I wonder if XXX could spare me an hour or so tomorrow afternoon?
I would like to make an appointment with XXX. Can you fit me in on his/her schedule?
How about ten o’clock on Thursday morning at your office?
What about this afternoon?
Would Friday morning be convenient for you?
Could we make it at four o’clock on Tuesday afternoon?
Could we postpone our talk to the following day, at the same hour and the same place?
We can make it some other time.
I wonder if you could change the time.
I would like to postpone the meeting until Monday afternoon, would that be convenient for you?
I must make apologies. I’m afraid I have to cancel our appointment.
I have something urgent tomorrow, so the appointment will have to be cancelled.
I’m really sorry about cancelling the meeting at the last minute.
I’ll have to take a rain check. Maybe another time?
小編:take a rain check是一個習(xí)語。Rain check原指棒球等露天球賽因下雨改期再賽時,下次入場還可使用的原票根,引申為“雙方無法約定日期,改期再約”。
You might want to think twice before making another personal call during work hours.
Companies can now buy a service that automatically analyses phone calls made by office staff, figures out which are for business and which are personal, and delivers a monthly list of repeat offenders directly to top management.
"If youre making a 30-second call every morning at about 9 a.m. and the number doesnt match those used by your colleagues then we can guess fairly accurately thats your spouse," said Robert Picton, product manager at South African IT firm Dimension Data.
南非IT公司Dimension Data的產(chǎn)品經(jīng)理羅伯特·比克頓說:“如果你每天早上9點鐘左右打一個30秒的電話,而且你所撥打的號碼不是同事們的常用號碼,那么基本可以確定,這個電話是打給情人的!
Picton says that although other IT companies offer call analysis technology, Didata is the first to translate that information for managers.
Didata says a company can cut its phone costs by 10-15 percent by using the Guardian monthly service, not to mention hours of manpower saved through increased productivity.
Employees might bristle at the thought of managers monitoring calls. But Didata says the system focuses only on those who run up huge bills or spend hours of work time on personal calls, and says no one listens in to the calls themselves.
"Obviously it is acceptable to make a few calls home," said Picton. "And this is about the minority who are spending 12 hours a month on the phone for non-business purposes and running up bills of $114.7.
Time management is essential in our high-speed, always-on culture, yet most advice youll find on this topic is pretty vague. "Setting goals" and "making time work for you" are, um, great, but so are practical efficiencies. Because oDesk is home to thousands of self-starting contract workers, weve seen many efficiency tricks.
The headline promises five steps for time management, but they all come from a single principle: You can only do one thing at a time, so do it right.
Finish what youve started. This is the core idea: Where possible, working a single task to completion is more efficient. When you sit down to work, you spend a few minutes just getting "settled in" before youre productive. If you jump from task to half-finished task all the time, thats a lot of minutes lost to "rolling up your sleeves."
Think small. You cant always spend several hours working straight through on a single big job. Dont think in those terms. Use a simple to-do list, and take each item to completion without interruption, unless somethings literally on fire. An example for the job-seeker: Its not "Ill look for jobs this afternoon," its checking email for replies to previous applications, scanning preferred job sites, writing cover letters, and tweaking your resume for each solid lead, etc.
Quit stalling. Once youre organizing by simple components, its easier to dive right into the small tasks. It takes a lot of warm up and deep breaths before you jump off a high-dive and were less hesitant about walking down a flight of steps.
Play well with others. When youre working as part of a team, make sure youre prioritizing what you do to get the most important parts into the production line. Nothings worse than having people stand around waiting for you to produce. In a job search, prioritize anyone whos waiting to hear from you; hiring managers looking for self-starters (and who isnt?) will appreciate and remember your promptness.
Analyze your output. How could you have been more efficient? How much of your time goes to trivial, mundane work rather than the challenging stuff you enjoy and that your boss values? Job-seekers, log the time you spend at various job sites, and count how many real leads that effort yields. This way you can reprioritize your efforts for high value results. Why are you still lurking on that job board that dried up two years ago?
Its a multitasking world, and theres no changing it. But when a dozen things are clamoring for your attention, you can still organize them on your terms.
1. Ive come to make sure that your stay in Beijing is a pleasant one.
2. Youre going out of your way for us, I believe.
3. Its just the matter of the schedule,that is,if it is convenient of you right now.
4. I think we can draw up a tentative plan now.
5. If he wants to make any changes,minor alternations can be made then.
6. Is there any way of ensuring well have enough time for our talks?
7. So our evenings will be quite full then?
8. Well leave some evenings free,that is,if it is all right with you.
9. Wed have to compare notes on what weve discussed during the day.
10. Thatll put us both in the picture.
11. Then wed have some ideas of what youll be needing
12. I cant say for certain off-hand.
13. Better have something we can get our hands on rather than just spend all our time talking.
14. Itll be easier for us to get down to facts then.
15. But wouldnt you like to spend an extra day or two here?