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A lot of companies —especially in these tough economic times —want to “try before they buy,” so they’re looking to their intern pool for potentialhires. Nearly seven in ten large companies and four in ten small companies made full-time job offers to interns in 2012, according to a survey of more than 300 companies by Internships.com.
Plus, more companies are hiring interns than before, likely thanks, in part, to the rough economy: 36 percent more companies offered internships in 2012 than in 2011, and more than half say they will hire more interns in 2013 than the previous year. They’re also having interns do more “real” work. “Internships aren’t about busywork anymore,” says management consultantand executive coach Marc Dorio. “Companies are using interns for real things, not just for making copies or getting coffee.”
此外,跟過去相比,越來越多的公司開始招聘實習生,經(jīng)濟不景氣似乎是原因之一。和2011年相比,提供實習的公司增加了36%,而且超過一半的公司稱他們在2013年會比去年招更多的實習生。同時,他們還讓實習生做更多“實質(zhì)性的”工作。“實習生不再做可有可無的事,”管理顧問和行政人員教練Marc Dorio說。“公司開始讓實習生做真正的工作,而不只是復印文件或者泡咖啡。”
That means that in many cases, “the internship is like a lengthyinterview,” says Dorio. “Many companies are watching you to see if you’d be a good hire down the road.” For college students this means big-time job opportunity (and probably relief, since unemployment and underemploymentfor recent college grads is hoveringaround 40 percent).
That said, landing the right internship isn’t always easy and unless you handle it like a pro, you likely won’t be offered a job. Here are some tips to help you through the internship process.
1. Start early and search smartly
1. 搶占先機,聰明尋找
While many people wait until late fall or spring to score a summer internship, Dorio says this is a mistake. “You may even want to start the year before to get a jump on the crowd,” he says.
Even though internships may not be listed on a job site at that point, Dorio suggests that students surf the web for companies they might want to intern at. Look for companies in the right geographicregion and that have jobs in your field that you might want to work at when you graduate.
Then look for the right contact person at that company. So, for example, if you want to work in marketing, look for the email of the VP of marketing and send him or her a note about why you want to work at the company and your qualificationsand a copy of your resume. (Have the career counselor at your college or alma mater read through your cover letter and resume before you send.) You could also reach out to the company human resource’s department, but Dorio cautionsthat your resume may then “get lost in the shuffle” of all people applying for vacantjobs.
2. Build relationships
2. 建立人際關系
Once you score an internship, build relationships with myriademployees within the organization, says Dorio. “Ask people to lunch so you can learn what they do, go to social events, join the softball team,” he suggests. You never know who might be in the position to hire you later on —even if they end up moving on to another company —so try to impress everyone that you can.
3. Go above and beyond
3. 做到極致
Everyone knows that they need to do a good job at an internship in order to get hired later on, but in this economy “good” might not cut it. “You have to go above and beyond,” says Dorio. “Ask for work, ask your boss ‘what else can I do for you’,” he says. Interns may also want to get to work before the boss and stay later, join committees, attend training seminarsand watch company webinars.
每個人都知道,為了得到正式職位,他們需要在實習中有良好的表現(xiàn)。但在當前的經(jīng)濟環(huán)境下“良好”是不夠的。“你必須做到極致,”Dorio說。“去找事情做,問問你的老板‘我還可以為你做什么’。” 實習生也許還應該比老板到得早、走得晚,加入委員會,參加培訓班,觀看公司網(wǎng)絡研討會。