(具有法人資格的)單位(簡稱甲方)的法定代表人(姓名)委托本單位(姓名)為代理人與 (姓名、單位、性別、出生年月、住址)(簡稱乙方),就甲方派遣乙方出國留學事宜,簽訂如下協(xié)議:
第一條 甲方根據人才培養(yǎng)和事業(yè)發(fā)展的需要,派遣乙方出國留學,乙方按受甲方的派遣。
第二條 甲方派遣乙方以 身份赴 國留學,期限為 年 個月(自出國 之日起計算)。
第三條 甲方指導乙方制訂具體的留學計劃,甲方和乙方商定的留學內容是:
第四條 甲方在乙方出國留學期間,指定(姓名、單位、職稱) 對乙方給予必要的業(yè)務指導。
第五條 甲方對乙方留學期間在國內的直系親屬,根據國家的政策、規(guī)定,給以必要的關心和幫助。
第六條 甲方根據國家的政策規(guī)定,保證乙方在如下方面的待遇:
出國置裝費(金額)及支付辦法: ; 出國國際旅費(金額)及支付辦法: ; 國外學習生活費(金額)、醫(yī)療保險費(金額)及支付辦法:
第七條 甲方在乙方回國后,負責安排乙方的工作,并積極創(chuàng)造必要的工作和生活條件,發(fā)揮乙方的作用。
第八條 乙方保證按本協(xié)議書第二條、第三條的規(guī)定,在國外努力完成學業(yè),并按期回
國服務。留學期間每 個月向甲方報告一次學習情況。
第九條 乙方抵達留學所在國后,一個月內中國駐該國使、領館報到。乙方在國外期間,保證遵守中國法律和中國對出國留學人員的規(guī)定,遵守所在國的法律。
第十條 乙方無論因何種理由中止、延長留學期限或改變留學內容,均應至少提前三個月通過中國駐留學所在國使、領館向甲方提出書面申請,未經甲方批準,不得改變。
第十一條 乙方留學期滿回國后,應在一個月內向甲方報到,按甲方規(guī)定辦理有關手續(xù)。乙方根據本協(xié)議書第三條的規(guī)定,向甲方提交書面的留學總結、學術報告(或科研論文、科研成果報告)。
第十二條 乙方有責任回國后至少在甲方工作 年?s短工作年限,由甲方決定。 第十三條 甲方在認為必要時,有權決定將本協(xié)議書的副本經由我駐外使、領館提交乙方留學所在國的有關部門或個人。
第十四條 甲方違反本協(xié)議書時,乙方有權向甲方的上級主管部門提出申訴,要求甲方的上級主管部門責成甲方執(zhí)行本協(xié)議書,賠償損失等。必要時,乙方可向中國的司法機關起訴,追究甲方的法律責任。
第十五條 經甲方同意,由(姓名、性別、出生年月、工作單位、職務)
甲方與保證人因保證事項而發(fā)生糾紛時,經雙方同意,可由甲方的上級主管部門裁決。 第十六條 本協(xié)議書自公證之日起生效,簽字各方保證遵照執(zhí)行。有效期限至本協(xié)議書第十二條規(guī)定的工作年限期滿時止。
必要時,經甲方、乙方、保證人三方協(xié)商一致后,可對本協(xié)議書進行修改或補充。 本協(xié)議書正本一式四份,甲方持兩份,乙方和乙方的保證人各持一份。
年 月 日 年 月 日
篇二:合同模板大全 出國留學協(xié)議書
甲方:________________________ (具有法人資格的單位)
甲方的法定代表人(姓名)________委托本單位____ (姓名)為代理人與____ (單位、姓名、性別、出生年月、住址)(簡稱乙方),就甲方派遣乙方出國留學事宜,簽訂如下協(xié)議:
第一條 甲方根據人才培養(yǎng)和事業(yè)發(fā)展的需要,派遣乙方出國留學,乙方接受甲方的派遣。
第二條 甲方派遣乙方以____ 身份赴____ 國留學,期限為____ 年____ 個月(自出國之日起計算)。
第三條 甲方指導乙方制訂具體的留學計劃,甲方和乙方商定的留學內容是:____________________乙方須達到的留學目標為:
第四條 甲方在乙方出國留學期間,指定________(姓名、單位、職稱)對乙方給予必須的業(yè)務指導。
第五條 甲方對乙方留學期間在國內的直系親屬,根據國家的政策、規(guī)定,給以必要的關心和幫助。
第六條 甲方根據國家的政策規(guī)定,保證乙方在如下方面的待遇:
第七條 甲方在乙方回國后,負責安排乙方的工作,并積極創(chuàng)造必要的工作和生活條件,發(fā)揮乙方的作用。
第八條 乙方保證按本協(xié)議書第二條、第三條的規(guī)定,在國外努力完成學業(yè),并按期回國服務。留學期間每____ 個月向甲方報告一次學習情況。
第九條 乙方抵達留學所在國后,一個月內向中國駐該國使、領館報到。乙方在國外期間,保證遵守中國法律對出國留學人員的規(guī)定,遵守所在國的法律。
第十條 乙方無論因何種理由需中止、延長留學期限或改變留學內容,均應至少提前3個月通過中國駐留學所在國使、領館向甲方提出書面申請,未經甲方批準,不得改變。
第十一條 乙方留學期滿回國后,應在一個月內向甲方報到,按甲方規(guī)定辦理有關手續(xù)。乙方須根據本協(xié)議書第三條的規(guī)定,向甲方提交書面的留學總結、學術報告(或科研論文、科研成果報告)。
第十二條 乙方有責任回國后至少在甲方工作____ 年?s短工作年限,由甲方決定。
第十三條 甲方在認為必要時,有權決定將本協(xié)議書的副本經由我駐外使、領館提交乙方留學所在國的有關部門或個人。
第十四條 甲方違反本協(xié)議書時,乙方有權向甲方的上級主管部門提出申訴,要求甲方的上級主管部門責成甲方執(zhí)行本協(xié)議書,賠償損失等。必要時,乙方可向中國的司法機關起訴,追究甲方的法律責任。
第十五條 經甲方同意,由________(姓名、性別、出生年月、工作單位、職務)為乙方出國留學的國內保證人,保證乙方執(zhí)行本協(xié)議書。保證人須與乙方經常保持聯(lián)系,每半年向甲方介紹乙方執(zhí)行協(xié)議書的情況;如乙方違約,保證人須認真協(xié)助甲方追究乙方的責任。在乙方違約而保證人又未履行自己職責的情況下,保證人須承擔本人經濟收入能承受條件下的經濟責任。
第十六條 本協(xié)議書自公證之日起生效,簽字各方保證遵照執(zhí)行。有效期限至本協(xié)議書第十二條規(guī)定的工作年限期滿時止。
必要時,經甲方、乙方、保證人三方協(xié)商一致后,可對本協(xié)議書進行修改或補充。 本協(xié)議書正本一式四份,甲方持兩份,乙方和乙方的保證人各持一份,具有同等效力。
甲 方 公 章________________
____年____月____日 ____
(簽字)____________ (簽字)________ 年____月____日 乙方乙方保證人
聯(lián)系電話: 傳真: 乙方:身份證號:地址: 聯(lián)系電話:
。薄⒓追浇邮芤曳轿,代其辦理赴國留學的相關事宜(包括但不限于申請學校、辦理留學簽證等)。乙方所申請學校及專業(yè)如下: 。
2、乙方同意就上述事項向甲方支付委托費用,共計人民幣 元。乙方應在甲方為其辦理的留學簽證獲批之日起 三 日內向甲方全額支付上述費用。甲方賬戶信息如下: 。
2、鑒于甲方未就上述委托事項向乙方預收任何費用,故除存在法律明確規(guī)定的情形外,乙方不得單方解除本協(xié)議。如乙方單方面提出解除本協(xié)議的,應當向甲方書面提出,并向甲方支付人民幣 元作為對于其前期工作的補償。
3、本協(xié)議的最長期限不超過 年,自雙方簽字蓋章之日起算。當甲方就需要乙方配合的事項以書面、郵件、短信等方式明確提出后乙方不予回應或配合,并由此導致委托事項無法繼續(xù)進行或超出上述協(xié)議期限時,應視為乙方以消極手段解除合同,乙方應就此向甲方支付人民幣 元作為對于其前期工作的補償。
六、其他約定 。
甲方: 乙方:
代理人: 代理人:
日期: 日期:
(具有法人資格的)單位(簡稱甲方)的法定代表人(姓名)委托本單位(姓名)為代理人與(單位、姓名、性別、出生年月、住址) (簡稱乙方),就甲方派遣乙方出國留學事宜,簽訂如下協(xié)議:
第一條 甲方根據人才培養(yǎng)和事業(yè)發(fā)展的需要,派遣乙方出國留學,乙方按受甲方的派遣。
第二條 甲方派遣乙方以 身份赴 國留學,期限為 年個月(自出國 之日起計算)。
第三條 甲方指導乙方制訂具體的留學計劃,甲方和乙方商定的留學內容是:
第四條 甲方在乙方出國留學期間,指定(姓名、單位、職稱) 對乙方給予必要的業(yè)務指導。
第五條 甲方對乙方留學期間在國內的直系親屬,根據國家的政策、規(guī)定,給以必要的關心和幫助。
第六條 甲方根據國家的政策規(guī)定,保證乙方在如下方面的待遇: 乙方為(國家或單位)公派出國留學人員;
出國置裝費(金額)及支付辦法: ;
出國國際旅費(金額)及支付辦法: ;
第七條 甲方在乙方回國后,負責安排乙方的工作,并積極創(chuàng)造必要的工作和生活條件,發(fā)揮乙方的作用。
第八條 乙方保證按本協(xié)議書第二條、第三條的規(guī)定,在國外努力完成學業(yè),并按期回國服務。留學期間每 個月向甲方報告一次學習情況。
第九條 乙方抵達留學所在國后,一個月內中國駐該國使、領館報到。乙方在國外期間,保證遵守中國法律和中國對出國留學人員的規(guī)定,遵守所在國的法律。
第十條 乙方無論因何種理由中止、延長留學期限或改變留學內容,均應至少提前三個月通過中國駐留學所在國使、領館向甲方提出書面申請,未經甲方批準,不得改變。
第十一條 乙方留學期滿回國后,應在一個月內向甲方報到,按甲方規(guī)定辦理有關手續(xù)。乙方根據本協(xié)議書第三條的規(guī)定,向甲方提交書面的留學總結、學術報告(或科研論文、科研成果報告)。
第十二條 乙方有責任回國后至少在甲方工作 年?s短工作年限,由甲方決定。
第十三條 甲方在認為必要時,有權決定將本協(xié)議書的副本經由我駐外使、領館提交乙方留學所在國的有關部門或個人。
第十四條 甲方違反本協(xié)議書時,乙方有權向甲方的上級主管部門提出申訴,要求甲方的上級主管部門責成甲方執(zhí)行本協(xié)議書,賠償損失等。必要時,乙方可向中國的司法機關起訴,追究甲方的法律責任。
第十五條 經甲方同意,由(姓名、性別、出生年月、工作單位、職務) 為乙方出國留學的國內保證人、保證乙方執(zhí)行本協(xié)議書。保證人須與乙方經常保持聯(lián)系,每半年向甲方介紹乙方執(zhí)行協(xié)議書的情況;如乙方違約,保證人須認真協(xié)助甲方追究乙方的責任。在乙方違約而保證人又未履行自己職責的情況下,保證人須承擔本人經濟收入能承受條件下的經濟責任。
第十六條 本協(xié)議書自公證之日起生效,簽字各方保證遵照執(zhí)行。有效期限至本協(xié)議書第十二條規(guī)定的工作年限期滿時止。
本協(xié)議書正本一式四份,甲方持兩份,乙方和乙方的保證人各持一份。 甲方法定代表人 乙方(簽字)
甲方公章 乙方保方人(簽字)
年 月 日 年 月 日
在申請留學及簽證的過程中,經常會被要求寫學習計劃書(study plan),許多留學的朋友往往搞不清楚學習計劃書和個人陳述(personal statement)區(qū)別和寫法,因此結合自己的工作經驗,介紹一下學習計劃書的寫作。
學習計劃書的行文風格和文章結構與個人陳述有很大不同,不需要太多個性化和感性的描述,而應該是結構清晰簡單,邏輯嚴密,闡述的事實明確,相關論據有力可信,學成回國的理由要非常充分,并且絕對不能和申請人的其他材料發(fā)生矛盾。關于學習計劃書等留學文件的寫作,可以上 www.winnerps.com , www.tigtag.com 等網站獲得幫助。
由于使館的工作人員每天要處理大量的文件,因此學習計劃書切不可寫的太長,一般不應超過800字,并且說明一個問題最好只用一個段落,段落前加上標題,如 My Choice of University of Toronto in Canada ,My career objective 等,以便使館的工作人員對您一段內容的中心思想一目了然。您的闡述應該非常清晰易讀,不能希望讓使館的工作人員從您的文字中"挖掘"您"潛在"內容。
Study plan模板1
Dear Sir/ Madam,
I am looking forward to study in University of Alberta in Canada this fall. As an essential part of visa application process, I understand that a true study plan is important for my further success.
My name is***, Male, born on *** in***, China. I accepted the offer of admission into the graduate program in Civil and Environmental Engineering at University of Alberta. My undergraduate education has laid the groundwork towards the path I now intend to embark on. Pursuing dual degrees from seemingly vastly different fields at ** University endowed me with a solid theoretical background in two diverse fields of engineering and management and placed me in a unique position to appreciate the importance of management within the construction industry.
My choice of studying in Canada
Over the past decades, China has enjoyed rapid development in all aspects of its economy. Opening its doors to the world has facilitated its expansion; this development necessitated building the proper infrastructures that will sustain the tremendous development the country’s economy is undergoing. In line with this, the rapid rate of economic growth fostered an accompanying rapid rate of constructions. Currently, buildings and skyscrapers are being built in the different cities of China. Apart from infrastructures, these developments require the application of advanced technologies and the implementation of knowledge support, especially in fostering an effective, efficient, and thriving construction engineering and management system. However, as an undergraduate student I know my knowledge and skills are somehow limited, necessitating advanced study in this field. Doing so entails I look outside of China and learn from the experiences of other developed countries, especially those with far advanced systems in place. Learning from their example will provide me with the exposure necessary for achieving my goals.
After a careful and thorough search, I have decided to seek admission to the University of Alberta in Canada. The graduate program in *** is exactly the correct integration of interests I am searching for. One of the main attractions of the university’s program is not only its solid reputation in the field of engineering but its interdisciplinary nature as well. The prospect of studying ***in a new environment to broaden my horizon is a thrilling one, as it will raise new challenges for me to conquer.
Compared with somebody holding a Master degree from a Chinese university, a graduate holding one from North America which is not only exam-oriented is much more competitive in China’s labour market. In addition, studying abroad may save time for me to gain the Master degree. Moreover, compared with US and Britain, Canada is able to offer international student the first-class education resources with lower expense and Canada is
a peaceful, civilized and safe country. It is a good chance to receive high quality education and to experience diverse cultures.
My overall educational goal
I have achieved excellent academic performance in both senior high school and ***University and I got band **overall in IELTS. All of these make the basic foundations for my future study in University of Alberta. Anyway, first step of my plan is to overcome the language barrier and adjust myself into the new environment, including new teaching methods, cultural differences and enhancing mutual understanding between the Chinese and other peoples. In addition, the most important thing is to learn the courses of *** to improve my academic ability. I hope I can use limited time to acquire more advanced skills, methodologies and the professional knowledge related to my major.
Financial Support
My parents have sufficient funds to supply me to study in Canada. They are definitely willing and able to afford my education and it will not influence the future life of our family since they both have enough saving, decent jobs and stable incomes.
Return to China and Career Objective
After graduation, I intend to return to China and begin my work towards contributing to the development of the field of *** in my country. Although there are numerous efforts towards addressing this issue, the number of specialists in this field of expertise is still sparse in China. This raises the necessity for a new breed of successful and skilled professionals to lead in the creation of this system. As a passionate and creative individual, I believe I am well-suited to contribute to overall efforts meant to fill this void in the job market. I aim to become a professional who can fulfill the position such a relationship necessitates in my homeland and make good use of advanced technologies I learned. One more important, because I am the only child, going back to China and taking good care of my parents after finishing my study is my responsibility. In addition, China’s governmental policy is more attractive for students graduate from universities out of China and favorable conditions will be supplied for our personal and professional development.
A successful overseas returned Chinese student is always my aim and motivation. Thank you for your time.
Yours Sincerely,
Date: April 6, 2010. Signature of Applicant _____________________
Study plan模板2
Study Plan
(Application of Student Visa to study in Canada)
I believe that this study plan, also submitted as an application for a student visa to study in Canada’s Mount Saint Vincent University, can provide you with an outline of my plan for
one year of undergraduate study in Canada and my subsequent career development in China. I look forward to my application being assessed and approved at your earliest convenience.
Personal status
I am the applicant XXX, female, born in XXX, Jiangsu Province. To realize my dream of becoming an interpreter, I chose English as my major in XXX University. As a sophomore student, I worked very hard. After I learned some information about the exchange program between XXX University and XXX, I decided to take the chance for my better development. So I am applying to study at XXX University in Canada for one year, from September 2007 to August 2008.
During the past four semesters, I took several courses related to English, such as compressive English, English listening, and introduction to western countries. The knowledge I have learnt in these courses equips me with confidence and communicating skills to live and study abroad.
The reasons I wish to study at XXX
XXX is a world-famous university with intelligent student and professional staff and faculty, who are devoted to high-quality teaching and management. Excellence, innovation and discovery are the characteristics that attract students all over the world to study there. I am so glad to take part in the exchange program between my college and XXX. For me, to study at such a well-know university will provide me a big step toward my dream.
As an English major student, to study abroad can offer me with the perfect environment to improve my language skills and add my knowledge about the western countries. Also I believe one year’s study in Canada will broaden my view and improve my self-reliance. If I am given the chance to study abroad, the knowledge about the foreign communication will help me a lot to provide foreigners with better service by my professional interpretation.
These are all my reasons why I want to be an exchange student in XXX.
My goals during the one year in Canada
I hope I can acquire advanced skills and methodologies in communication, and the professional knowledge on language and the western customs, through my personal experience. Also I want to develop the independent personality which will allow me to live and study in a completely new environment and enter the society after my graduate in XXX University. If I am given the Visa to study in Canada, I am sure I can achieve my goal and return to China after one year to finish my undergraduate study.
My reasons to return to China after one year
As a matter of fact, I am still a student in XXX University for I am an exchange student. I will go back to China to finish my undergraduate courses.
More importantly, I love my family. My parents and relatives are all living in China. I am the only child in my family and they have spent all of their savings on my education. I have the duty to pay back with my achievement and my care for them in their late years. I don’t want to separate with my parents. And I believe to share my success with them is one of my greatest happiness in my life.
There are sufficient job opportunities after my returning to China. My experience abroad will offer me more choices in the talent market.
Thank you for your time.
Yours Sincerely,
DateSignature of Applicant
Study plan模板3
Study Plan
(Application of Student Visa to study in *******)
I believe that this study plan, submitted as an application for a student visa to study in Canada’s University of ********, can provide you with an outline of my plan for two years of graduate study in Canada and my subsequent career development in China. I look forward to my application being assessed and approved at your earliest convenience. Personal status:
I am ********, male, born on the **** of *****, ******. To realize my dream of becoming an excellent engineer, I chose to pursue professional knowledge in Electronics and Information Engineering in ********************, Xi'an, Shanxi Province, China, in September ******. After four years of undergraduate study specializing in Electronic Information Engineering in the College of ****************, I received a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering in *****. I did very well in my undergraduate study at ******, and was ranked no. 1 in my major. As a result, I was accepted into ********* as a Ph.D. student in September *****, without being required to take an entrance examination. I worked very hard as a graduate student in the ***** Lab of the ******, a very famous lab in my field in China. While at ****** I published ***** papers and proposed ***** patents which are under review.
During my four years of undergraduate study, I took several core courses related to Electronic Information Engineering, and after ****** years of graduate study at ******, I acquired relevant research experience and developed a strong research interest in communications. I am confident that all of these relevant experiences will contribute positively to my graduate study at ****.
The reasons I wish to study at *****, as a master’s student in the Faculty of Applied Science's School of Engineering:
**** is a world-famous university with intelligent students and professional staff and faculty, who are devoted to high-quality teaching and research. Over its 100-year history, it has grown into one of Canada's finest universities and now ranks among the world's top
40. Accordingly, it plays a vital role in the cultural, social, and economic development of the region and even the country. **** has also strengthened and increased its international links with numerous foreign institutions, and every year it attracts hundreds of students from all over the world. **** opened its ****** campus in September 2005. This small, distinctive university campus is a place where students can interact with one another and their professors on a daily basis. According to the strategic plan of ****, this newly opened campus will quickly become an important, respected center of learning and research, enhancing knowledge, creation, and innovation in the ****** area. I believe that studying at such a well-known university is the best way to realize my dream of becoming an outstanding engineer. After receiving unconditional admission to Graduate Studies at **** ****** (*****) for the session commencing September 2007, I decided to study as a master’s student in the Faculty of Applied Science’s School of Engineering. The Faculty of Applied Science at **** is considered one of the best in Canada and offers exciting opportunities for graduate studies. My future supervisor, *********, an outstanding scientist whose mission is to establish a communications and signal processing lab at *****, will provide me with full financial support and close supervision during my study and research there.
My overall educational goal:
I hope I can become a distinguished engineer and researcher after successfully finishing my two-year master’s program at ***** under the supervision of ********. In addition to acquiring advanced research skills and methodologies in communication, following the latest developments in the international academic community, and developing the ability for independent research, I also want to develop a character which will allow me to enter society with full confidence upon my graduation. If I am given the opportunity, I am sure I will achieve my goal by the time I complete my program and return to China. My reasons for pursuing a program outside of China:
I am a Ph.D. student in ******* University, and this is my ***** year. The laboratory I work in is representative of most Chinese labs. During my years in this lab, I have gotten to know the true state of academia in China. The government has invested more and more state research funds in recent years, and the facilities in most laboratories have greatly improved. However, the level of research as a whole remains relatively low, and exchanges within the international academic community are deficient. As a result, graduate students in China cannot keep up with the leading fields of science. Another important problem is that, in China, one supervisor usually supervises about a dozen graduate students, which limits the amount of interaction between the supervisor and each student. All of these adverse factors are obstacles which can prevent a student from fully developing his/her potential. Therefore, I hope to change my research environment. With full financial support from ******, I feel that studying at ***** is the best choice for me.
My reasons to return to China following my course of studies:
There are several ties which will lead me to return to China following my course of studies. The most important one is my family. I love my parents. I am their only child, and they have spent all of their savings on my education. I plan to repay my parents with my outstanding achievements and my excellent care of them in their late years. I think that sharing every step of my success with my dear parents is an achievement in itself. Additionally, China’s governmental policy is attractive to me. The government has invested a lot of money in state research recently, and the input is increasing every year. Communication and information research has become an emphasis, and Chinese scientists have begun to make a number of highly respected research achievements. China is attracting many international research institutes and multinational corporations which are engaged in communication and information technology research and development. Accordingly, there are sufficient job opportunities for returnees from the West, and they are able to receive suitable conditions for their personal and professional development. I am convinced that China’s research environment is changing for the better and will be greatly improved in the future.
This Canadian degree can increase my chances in the Chinese labour market:
As I mentioned before, there are many job opportunities available in the field of communication and information technology research and development. However, these opportunities call for well-trained, talented scientists with the ability to become top researchers. Obtaining a master’s degree from a university that is ranked among the world's top 40 will easily prove that I am a qualified researcher. Through *****’s master’s program, I am confident that I will become an excellent researcher with advanced research skills, great English proficiency, and broad international perspectives, and so I will have greater opportunities in the Chinese labor market and a better chance of achieving my goals in China.
Thank you very much.
Yours sincerely,
Date Signature of Applicant
Study plan模板4
My name is ***. I was born on ***. As Finance major in Nankai University, I have always longed for an opportunity to receive the most advanced education in financial economics. Thus, it is my great honor to be admitted, and also fully supported, by the Economics Department of AAA University, to get my master's degree in my dream-school. And this study plan is submitted along with my completed package, to strengthen my application for Canadian student's visa.
Ever since I was a child my ambition has been to become a university professor, to conduct in-depth research, stay with young students, and enjoy the freedom of flexible schedule. In this aspect, an academic job is not only my educational goal, but also my career, and my life. Now that I have laid a solid knowledge foundation after four-year' fruitful college work, I hope with all my heart that the rigorous training in AAA University would help me realize my dream.
The one-year master's program offered by Economics Department, AAA University attracts me just like a shortcut to my arena. AAA University is notable for its traditional strength in financial economics, with seven professors concentrating on this field and having made great contribution to the discipline, which is her advantage over any similar programs in China. And fulfilling the whole program in a year will save me two years to get the master's degree compared with the three-year's Chinese graduate programs. I believe this schedule will make my experience in AAA University challenging but effective. I can get a degree that works as soon as possible. Moreover, AAA University has granted me the full financial support in the form of Teaching Assistantship, sum up to Canadian Dollars BBB per semester and BBB*3 per year. Since the tuition fee is extraordinarily low for international student in AAA University ($CCC per semester), this amount should be sufficient to cover all my expenses considering my thrift habit. On the other hand, Chinese graduate programs would charge me RMB 7000per year with rare financial assistant. Although AAA University would demand me to do some assistant work, this would also constitute an important part of my training for the academic life. In conclusion, it is only rational for me to choose AAA University instead of Chinese universities.
Another fact I want to mention is that personally I have sufficient money to study abroad. Although I did not request my parents to give me financial support, they are definitely willing and able to afford my education. My mother is a CPA, and serves as the Chief Accountant in People's Insurance Company of China DDD Branch with annual income exceeding EEE after tax. And my father is a government official having served in economics management field for over ten years. They have promised me to support me whenever necessary, and it is the love from my family that stimulates me to go further in my economics research pilgrimage.
Thanks to the booming of China's economy, the demand for economics professors, especially those who have studied abroad and understand the real market, is extremely high in China now. So studying abroad is a matter not only of family's proud and social respect, but also of better financial reward. And I plan to move on to a PhD either in AAA, FFF, or in America before I come back to China as an accomplished financial economist. My root is in China. The passion to serve my motherland has compelled me to fly west, and will also draw me back considering the simple fact that I can become a better government policy advisor here in my home. I hope you will consider my application favorably. The time and trouble you take is highly appreciated!
Study plan模板5
My interest with ZZZ [major] made me choose ZZZ as my major when I entered the XXX University -- one of the best universities in China. During my study in the university, I absorbed much knowledge on ZZZ. I read many papers and books on the subject, and attended many lectures in the university. Because of my hard work, I became one of the best students in my department.
Pursuing graduate study will be a challenge in my life. YYY University’s famous study facilities and resounded faculty have made YYY an ideal university for me. As an international student, the available financial support of graduate students at YYY University is also a factor when choosing a university for further study. The ZZZ department at YYY University is a famous department, and plays an important role in ZZZ research. Studying in this department will be very helpful for my further work.
It is very nice that I have got the admission and full financial support from YYY University, Canada. They offer me admission of master in ZZZ, I will work hard to get the degree and further financial support.
After getting the degree in YYY University, I will come back to China, seeking a job in a Chinese company. I wish I could be an engineer, who masters advanced technology. I will contribute what I learn to the development of China.