1、What are your reasons for applying to this school in particular?
2、What are the specific reasons that you have chosen to pursue advanced study in this field?
3、How is this academic experience directly related to your future personal and professional objectives?
4、Are there any personal circumstances we should know about that you feel strengthen your application? Are there any circumstances that you feel might hinder or weaken your application?
5、What other educational institutions have you applied to, or are you interested in, and why?
6、Give more details about particular items in the applicant's resume or application materials. Give details about selection basis or criteria for any scholarships and/or awards that you have received. Explain in further detail about extra curricular activities or professional accomplishments.
7、What are the most substantial accomplishments from your background? Why do you consider these to be most significant?
8、What qualities in your character do you consider to be your greatest strengths? Can you give examples of how you have benefited from these strengths in your work?
9、What are your weaknesses? How have you addressed these weaknesses?
10、Can you tell us of a failure experience, and how and what you learned from this experience?
11、What sort of team work experiences have you had in the past? What sort of role do you most often assume in a team work situation?
12、Can you tell us of an incident in your past in which you stood up against the majority?
13、Give your thoughts on current international or national events.
14、What questions do you have for us? Can we answer any of your concerns about the school or the program?